The awful 7 months

2013 November - 2014 May

Created by Paul 9 years ago
Martha was diagnosed with Oesophageal Cancer at the beginning of November 2013. We were told very soon after that, that an operation to remove the tumour was not possible because of the proximity to her Aorta (not a place any surgeon would want to go with a knife), but were told very positively that with a combination of Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy, there was a good probability that we could beat this beast within her. We were warned that the chemo drugs may reduce her overall life expectancy because of damage to other organs caused by such ferocious drugs, and I had decided with that in mind, that I would retire in August 2014 (a year early) so that we could enjoy every year we had left together. After the first two Chemo sessions we were told in Mid March 2014 that there was fluid around Martha's lungs, and after analysis this proved to contain cancer cells. This meant that there was nothing more which could be done, and that we were facing our last few months together. In the end we managed about two and a half months of suffering and heartache before M finally left me at 1 a.m. on 30th May, after I had prayed very hard for her merciful release from all her suffering. I have never been too good at believing in the power of prayer, but I can assure you all that it helped me that night, and I am sure it made a difference.